the seas you find yourself in are worthy. honor the way you move in the world.

it’s important for you to honor the way that you move in the world, even when you do the work of course correction.

you put your rudder in the water and you give a suggestion of movement and the boat moves in a different way.

you don’t need to drop the anchor

haul all the cargo out to sea

pull out the map 

and set course in a new direction.

what you will find though the process of course correction, of slight change — feeling out that the wind to the south sure is warm, and you like the way the breeze feels on your face and you're going to point over there - is that the wind has already been carrying you.

what you might find as you make small movements that are not based so much not the logical thinking part of your brain as they are on the sensual feeling aspects of your body and your skin, is that you will find yourself in a vast ocean, with warm water and waves, the sun brightly shining down on impossible shades of blue, your skin warm and your spirit light. and you might say how did i get here? i didn’t make a decision to come here. 

you didn’t make one decision, you made many small decisions. and so, when you are caught in the frantic feeling of finding yourself amidst the choppy grey ocean during the storm and you say ‘how did i get here, i’ve got to capsize and start swimming’ we just want to remind you that that is not the way. and that the franticness of your nervous system shall not be the dictator of you.

the seas you find yourself in now are worthy. the questions you have asked yourself to get here are worthy. that you have steered your boat into some waters which you now feel are not as suited to you is not because your rudder was moved by the hand of laziness or uncaring, the hand that was there was a hand of safety, of learning, and sometimes your young hand, the hand of your young bright spirit.

we want you to know that these courses were not charted from a place of giving up, from a place of not caring. it was just that you didn’t recognize how much power you had. because you can’t know until you know. 

and so now, you are still learning how to weild the power of the will. it is wily! no-one has ever learned how to tame fire, really. even in this modern age, a fire can be one of the most destructive forces when it is unchecked or when it is time. and so the will, which is fire, can be a hard one to understand how to navigate.

it is important because the desire of the will can so quickly burn someone up with the whispers of being all-powerful. the story that ‘i should have created all of these different things,’ supposing that you had power over your environment every step of the way. 

you know, too much fire will lead to insanity. 

so how, then, do you stoke the fire of your will? how, then, do you honor the parts of you that have the strength to make powerful decisions? how, then, do you honor these parts of you without letting your ego go aflame and burning yourself out, thinking that you have created the whole world around you?

into your watery center, it is time to bring the fire of the will. and so we say - steer your rudder towards the things that feel good. letting this simple directive allow you to, again, let the hand of the bright one inside of you grip the warm handle of the wheel, her face to the wind, just making slight movements. what would it mean to orient to your pleasure? 

your goals do not have to be grandiose. your heart understands that the way to make changes is not by invalidating everything that has come before. that is a surefire way to make yourself collapse under the weight of shame. your heart is intelligent to realize that the way to move is in increments. honor where you have been. honor your way. 

we wish so much that we could just pour into your body and being all of the awareness of the world around you and the factors that have conspired - both positive and negative - to bring you into this moment. we wish that we could pull you back to where we are, which is looking at the star map, for you to see that you are right on time. that you are right on schedule. you haven’t made any wrong turns. you haven’t made any mistakes. you are at a point of realization. you are at a point where the muscle of your will is ready to exert, and in a new way. learning a new movement.

gently, gently you put the wood of joy onto your fire. the fragrant sweetness will steam up and propel that motor. the movement will feel so different than the ways it felt before. 

make sure to move your body - the motor and the movement of your body will support the motor and movement of your will. walking, dancing, etc. 

eating food on a regular schedule if you can. having breakfast, lunch and dinner at roughly the same times every day. creating a stability and home inside of your body so that all of your desires have a place to know that they are going to be able to root into. that you are creating the garden bed. you are using the dark time of the winter to nourish the dark soil. and in the spring, you will have some new ideas. for now, letting yourself nourish the creativity. do not ask big things of yourself, only small things. this is how you will keep the fire of your will from burning you up. 

do not get lost in the trap of self-judgement. use the binoculars that the sailors can use to see the stars and navigate. use the binoculars for your navigation. and when you find that you turn the lense of detail to all the things in your life that you don’t feel good about, remember that it is easy to taint precise and detailed vision by focusing on what looks ugly. do not get lost in the mirror. 

your being has space for both spirit and earth

earth is surrender / life is surrender. nothing lives without risk, and to endeavor anything is to endeavor in the moment, to seek an outcome is about setting your sights and will on a destination vs being attached to getting there. all is ephemeral, all is temporary.

art is c/o @sreejithpa

art is c/o @sreejithpa

this is easy to understand this in the mind and in the spirit, in this space where you can see so easily. but once inside the body, who knows preservation and smallness, comfort, pain and pleasure, the body alone can’t understand. reacts like a baby being ripped from their mother’s arms.

and what are you, except for both spirit and body? all of these knowings and energies, existing in your vessel at the same time, one particle in two spaces at once, sharing something that seems to be impossible to share --

the knowing of impermanence, the truth of your spirit nature, and the knowing preservation of the body, the needs of the body, the reality of the body.

the god parts of you and the earth parts of you seek integration. but not union.

two parts that seek understanding between each other, each having knowledge that the other doesn’t. the mind and spirit must understand that the body's knowledge is so valuable and actually the gateway to everything. the emotions and upsets are not to be overridden, but heard. loved. treated with sweetness.

you have this relationship of two different parts inside of yourself. the relationships you have with other people are simply mirrors of this process that is already occurring inside of you.

so, you love the body, the young one, and listen to their wisdom. and they in turn can listen to the wisdom of the spirit. never believing that one is more, or that either is wrong. just respecting each other in this interaction. in time, the more the body can know it will be heard, the more they will say. the more the spirit’s wisdom is sought out, the more they will say. this conversation is an ongoing process that is about respect.

acknowledgement of each other - making room. there is enough space for both of you in here. seek and listen, and soften to yourself.


be so sweet with yourself.

this luminous art is c/o @szzczz

this luminous art is c/o @szzczz

soften and soften and then soften again.
illumination is not about outshining
but about having such warmth in all of your parts that they feel safe to show themselves.
the light of your softness
is an invitation
for the most scared pieces of you
to have their hands extended, to come out from hiding, covered in mud or blood or dirt,
willing to be seen
not in the bright light of judgement
but in the soft glow of love.

eyes and the way that they can look
can change the way a person feels.
a soft gaze
with only love behind it
can be filled with more invitation than a book of poetry.

cultivate this sweetness with yourself. and let the moon be the reflection of how you can do it.
telling you in your body
the most gentle parts
sensitive parts
are welcome here.

may you breathe softness into yourself. may you breathe protective pink sweetness around your body. may you tell yourself and all of your parts that you deserve it, and may you know it to be true.

what if the truth is the most beautiful thing we can imagine?

the truth is beautiful

what if when we protect ourselves from seeing, from really looking, into our fears + the depths of what is there, what if we are holding ourselves back from seeing the most beautiful things, too? i know this to be true, know that these caves contain both shadows and passages to so much more light than can be seen or conceived.

what if the truth is the most beautiful thing you can imagine? what if when we listen with our hearts — the parts of us that have the dread and trepidation — we believed that on the other side of that dread there was light, substance, liquid gold. what if we could know and trust that when we step into what is so scary? how would that affect and inform those steps?

today, spirit is showing me that this is where my deep healing needs to happen. that we are all being called back into that original place of trust that we knew before trauma - our own and others’- told us the story about how it is not safe to be here. healing the story that there is some ultimate un-trust that we have to hold about the universe.

this is not a wound we heal with our minds, but we allow the process of healing to occur in our bodies. we do it by being outside, spending time in nature, being with the water and the trees, allowing them to return us back to ourselves. slowly, slowly, slowly. ❤️ sending you all such love today ❤️

water the seed of your goodness (pt 2)


and so when you doubt your own goodness, you say ‘human nature is evil, how can i be good?’ then, you do not water the seed of the truth of you. in fact, you withhold your resources from reaching that seed that is inside your belly button.

you say, i don’t know if i should go and water there. i don’t know if I can be trusted.

and then what happens is the scraggly, gnarled branches of your most inner needs come out sideways,

poking through your intestines,

saying ‘i need, i need!’

then your head, which may have also brought your heart on board, says ‘no! we cannot trust that voice! it is the one that is selfish. we cannot listen!’

but really, this voice is the child of you, which is the most intelligent part.

the part with the most pure need, the need that can be trusted the most. as it is not influenced by the tides of all of the others.

so your task, in these moments, is two-fold, and is simple.

listen to the most inner need of you. the most small, young part. with love, with intent, with non-judgement, with compassion.

and then the second part of the task is to trust.

to trust that the seed is good. you are a good seed, a golden seed of light. there are no bad seeds. inside of you, the god consciousness that is currently expressed inside your being and is always awaiting further unfurlment and expression with no end — this part, this part is good. and when you listen to it, you will always be led to your healing.

so listen to your good, child-self inside of you.

trust in your own goodness is the most foundational layer that you can ever reach to.
and it may also be the hardest while it is so simple.

you would never look at a baby and say 'that baby is evil'. if you think of an innocent, fleshy child, you would never put the cloak of blame and shame on them. you cannot do that to them, and you cannot do it to yourself. you think you are different than that baby, impressionable and pure? only these layers of the traumas of the world, yours and others’ traumas, have impacted you, and formed and contorted the way you move, which they do to everyone in the world.

but inside your being is the baby that is you, pure — most pure. you are goodness incarnate. let the seas part, and see inside of yourself. the most pure light that you are.

focus on receiving these words. not with your mind, you don’t have to understand and filter them through the funnels and canals of the brain. but inside of your body, let them ring true, washing over you, crashing through your doubt to your core essential nature. which has existed long before there was anything called a computer or an office building.

it is timeless. it does not fit in to the paradigms of this world. so cannot be understood through the filters and the words of this world.

this is the part of you that calls for your attention.

a tree does not think about what it needs to study. it pulls in the nourishment of what it needs to become. in its becoming, it doesn’t think about how it is going to help others. but the law of nature dictates that in its full becoming it reaches its full helpfulness.

in the fullness of your becoming you naturally are the most helpful you could be. this is the truth of how things are. let your being detach from some of the filters and viewpoints that are persisting around you. so you can tend to what is within you.

trust in the goodness of the seed that is you

listen. all trees spring from a seed, yes?

and that tree is always, always in the place of nourishing, supporting and honoring what it is to unfold, all of its resources going to letting the seed be exactly what it is.

this is the utmost act of self-love, the way that the tree grows.

you, too can say to yourself: little one inside of my belly, i tend to you. and i trust that inside of the genetic code that you are, the tree that you are, you will unfurl, wide and big branches in the sky.

deep green leaves - the lungs of the earth. inside of their being, just by their being, they help others to breathe. filtering the waste of the air.

and sure, yes, there are still car horns and pollution, and the tree stands tall, filtering all of the air.

not because it has decided to do something, but because it has said ‘i am committed to my becoming’.

and this is absolutely and act of self love that absolutely serves the world.

a tree doesn’t decide it’s going to make a change. but by its being in its fullness, which comes from its seed of love, it is able to provide clean air and shelter, home for many animals. just by its being.

and so, too, your mind has been confused. it has said ‘i must DO in order to be the tree, in order to be the shade and the shelter from the storm, the refuge. i must draw out the plans, i must orchestrate my whole life.'

and that is okay, but this is not The Way. your wholeness is not orchestrated by your doing, but surrendered to by your being.

and inside of this idea of being is the seed of absolute trust.

because when you water and cultivate and nourish yourself, you are doing this in an act of trust that what is growing and unfurling out of you, your seed, is Good.

i channelled this for a client last weekend and really wanted to share it with y’all. so it is here with my client’s permission, and waves of love and trust in your becoming going out to each of you. part 2 next week <3