your being has space for both spirit and earth
/earth is surrender / life is surrender. nothing lives without risk, and to endeavor anything is to endeavor in the moment, to seek an outcome is about setting your sights and will on a destination vs being attached to getting there. all is ephemeral, all is temporary.
art is c/o @sreejithpa
this is easy to understand this in the mind and in the spirit, in this space where you can see so easily. but once inside the body, who knows preservation and smallness, comfort, pain and pleasure, the body alone can’t understand. reacts like a baby being ripped from their mother’s arms.
and what are you, except for both spirit and body? all of these knowings and energies, existing in your vessel at the same time, one particle in two spaces at once, sharing something that seems to be impossible to share --
the knowing of impermanence, the truth of your spirit nature, and the knowing preservation of the body, the needs of the body, the reality of the body.
the god parts of you and the earth parts of you seek integration. but not union.
two parts that seek understanding between each other, each having knowledge that the other doesn’t. the mind and spirit must understand that the body's knowledge is so valuable and actually the gateway to everything. the emotions and upsets are not to be overridden, but heard. loved. treated with sweetness.
you have this relationship of two different parts inside of yourself. the relationships you have with other people are simply mirrors of this process that is already occurring inside of you.
so, you love the body, the young one, and listen to their wisdom. and they in turn can listen to the wisdom of the spirit. never believing that one is more, or that either is wrong. just respecting each other in this interaction. in time, the more the body can know it will be heard, the more they will say. the more the spirit’s wisdom is sought out, the more they will say. this conversation is an ongoing process that is about respect.
acknowledgement of each other - making room. there is enough space for both of you in here. seek and listen, and soften to yourself.