water the seed of your goodness (pt 2)
/and so when you doubt your own goodness, you say ‘human nature is evil, how can i be good?’ then, you do not water the seed of the truth of you. in fact, you withhold your resources from reaching that seed that is inside your belly button.
you say, i don’t know if i should go and water there. i don’t know if I can be trusted.
and then what happens is the scraggly, gnarled branches of your most inner needs come out sideways,
poking through your intestines,
saying ‘i need, i need!’
then your head, which may have also brought your heart on board, says ‘no! we cannot trust that voice! it is the one that is selfish. we cannot listen!’
but really, this voice is the child of you, which is the most intelligent part.
the part with the most pure need, the need that can be trusted the most. as it is not influenced by the tides of all of the others.
so your task, in these moments, is two-fold, and is simple.
listen to the most inner need of you. the most small, young part. with love, with intent, with non-judgement, with compassion.
and then the second part of the task is to trust.
to trust that the seed is good. you are a good seed, a golden seed of light. there are no bad seeds. inside of you, the god consciousness that is currently expressed inside your being and is always awaiting further unfurlment and expression with no end — this part, this part is good. and when you listen to it, you will always be led to your healing.
so listen to your good, child-self inside of you.
trust in your own goodness is the most foundational layer that you can ever reach to.
and it may also be the hardest while it is so simple.
you would never look at a baby and say 'that baby is evil'. if you think of an innocent, fleshy child, you would never put the cloak of blame and shame on them. you cannot do that to them, and you cannot do it to yourself. you think you are different than that baby, impressionable and pure? only these layers of the traumas of the world, yours and others’ traumas, have impacted you, and formed and contorted the way you move, which they do to everyone in the world.
but inside your being is the baby that is you, pure — most pure. you are goodness incarnate. let the seas part, and see inside of yourself. the most pure light that you are.
focus on receiving these words. not with your mind, you don’t have to understand and filter them through the funnels and canals of the brain. but inside of your body, let them ring true, washing over you, crashing through your doubt to your core essential nature. which has existed long before there was anything called a computer or an office building.
it is timeless. it does not fit in to the paradigms of this world. so cannot be understood through the filters and the words of this world.
this is the part of you that calls for your attention.
a tree does not think about what it needs to study. it pulls in the nourishment of what it needs to become. in its becoming, it doesn’t think about how it is going to help others. but the law of nature dictates that in its full becoming it reaches its full helpfulness.
in the fullness of your becoming you naturally are the most helpful you could be. this is the truth of how things are. let your being detach from some of the filters and viewpoints that are persisting around you. so you can tend to what is within you.