your desires are seeds inside of you waiting to actualize

we frame desire as though it’s based in some kind of morality. bad + good, right or wrong - a pull that’s not to be trusted - sinful, tainted by the want of the body and human-ness.


flowers have desire

trees have desire.

desire that is embedded into the seeds of them, desire for sunlight, for the manifestation of fullness, of green and beauty.

your desire IS this. it is the seed that exists inside of you. all of your muscles-- physical, energetic, mental, emotional - are aching to actualize it. like a baby learning to walk, our beings never stop striving to create + reach towards that which we know and feel to be our potential, to be possible. personally and collectively.

for our personal + collective healing, growth and freedom.

we feel the potential inside of us. we feel the yearnings of truth that are seeds inside of us. seeds that know



wonder and

the vastness of our potential.

our desire can be frightening. what can it feel like to truly let ourselves want? are we setting ourselves up for a letdown by acknowledging our wants?

but the biggest letdown is a desire unspoken, not a desire un-actualized. one that has been told:

"not now

not here

there’s no space for you here, i won’t hear you."

that’s the voice that will bring you around to the next life, even stronger next time, not to be ignored. 

your desires are the seeds of creation. the map, the blueprint of what’s possible. allowing yourselves to have them is allowing the call to be set, the sound to ring out into the air so you can move forward to it. the first part of creation. 

god spoke and the world was made. you speak and you make your world. being witnessed allows it to be amplified. allow the wisdom of your desires to be felt and spoken.