New Moon :: Releasing Scarcity and Planting Seeds of Abundance

On this new moon, I’m working on releasing stories of scarcity. This holly plant is so heavy with berries and abundance! It is teaching me. I am thinking about what speaker Ola Obasi said at the plant medicine conference this year. That abundance is our nature, it is the baseline state of this planet and our natural environment. We live in a world that is rich with resources and nourishment. Scarcity is something that we’ve created. This holly heavy with berries is reminding me that. 

I'm working on leaning into the truth of abundance — not as spiritual bypass, not as a way of cashing on on unexamined privilege — but as a way of reminding myself that I am held and supported by my community. That there is enough. That I can take scary steps to do what actually feels right and true with my life and know that I will find and be given ways to support myself. Peeling away the exoskeleton of capitalism and deep seeded beliefs about how we have to suffer in our work to make a living in this world. Planting seeds of fortitude to help all of us remember these truths in a climate that is constantly telling us otherwise.

Happy new moon! Love to you


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