call sweetly to the world you want to bring forth so it learns its name
/now is the time for collective dreaming.
what is the world you desire to live in? ask it of yourself and spend the time to answer, with your friends and beloveds.
our bodies are mechanisms of return, each limb + system intelligent
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knowing what they need to know to come back to right relationship with the earth and with the people around us.
what is original sin? original deviation? this question only matters if it is instructive to you. you can look behind you for answers, but also look to where you want to be.
lament your laments and grieve your griefs. but do not get so fixated on the minutia of the past deviation from your nature that your spirit is deluded into believing that this is all that is possible.
name it the diversion. you’ve got so many names for it already. capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, greed, global warming, entitlement. you can keep namin’ names so long as it helps you.
the purpose in the naming is not to get hung up on the labels, but to use them as stepping stones to create something different.
as much as you can - when you name the deviation, name the alignment too. call this new quality by its name. sing to it from the depths of what you know can be true.
call its name so lovingly that it becomes convinced that it can walk on this earth and have a home here. that it unveils its perfect flowered self out of the closet of possibility and into the realm of the living.
tend to these saplings of truth and rightness. talk to them daily. remember that plants love to hear your voices to help them grow. coo, sweetly, at the world you want to call forth so it learns its name.