TRANSMISSION TUESDAY:: the world needs your song

Opening up to the middle, outside of binaries there is truth. Outside of trying to force ourselves to fit into either this or that box. Outside of constructs and preconceived notions that are contained in labels, there is the middle path.

Which is freedom.

Which is the sun shining beyond what we’ve known; which is illuminated by the light of truth generated from our hearts. Flashlight, wayfinder. You may see that sometimes what started as a light of truth that emanated from us gets lost or muddled, you may start looking for that light in labels and boxes. Never forget that first, you are the light. that first it emanated from you. your soul has a precious truth.


Sometimes, when you speak that truth out into the world it will be in a language that nobody has ever heard before. And the sounds you sing, as they reverberate over the hills of consciousness, will call to and awaken sleeping parts, the dormant ones, ones who have heard the song within themselves and have been waiting for it to be echoed, not knowing if the sound was a real, or imagined. They were alone, lonely. When you muster the courage to birth this brave new language, this new key

symphonies that have been dormant in the earth will sigh and sing with relief. And in their relief is exultation, outbreath, your lone notes met with harmonies, horns, drums, orchestras and entire movements of sound, arrangements chord progressions key changes – arise from their buried places inside the ground. Hills crumble as consonance arises from the earth, shaking off the dirt of sleep and dormancy, vibrating with ecstasy, fulfillment of everything, to join your voice. They arise from that hillside to the north and they are a gospel choir singing with you. mountains moving to you, your voice echoed thousand-fold, amplified, rounding out the rusticness of your tentative sounds with richness, perspective, with a kind of being met and heard and seen and expanded on, genius and artistry, more than you could have imagined.

You sing, the music plays. The music emanates because it has no choice but to exist in its experience of fullness, Cacophony harmony symphony ecstasy. This sound. This sound is freedom. This sound is community. This sound is love. And it lifts you, it lifts everyone. It pulls you forward into a new paradigm into colors and sounds that have never been seen or even imagined before. Together.

We will not claim. I will not claim. That it is always safe to sing, I will not claim that it will always be heard. There are geniuses who were never heard in their time, people of the world over, time over, who have been and are killed for who they are, what they said, what they wear. I will not tell you that it is always worth the risk because that is up to you and i will not lie to or decide for you.

What I will tell you is that though the geniuses may not have been understood, what they did and said was essential. The least understood among them were the most important. They were priming humanity for a sound so different that there were not yet ears that could pick up on the frequency.  But ears developed and eyes adjusted to the new colors, and people could see, and wept in gratitude at the beauty and the vision.

What I will tell you, is that you are here because this place – this world – needs you. Wants you. In the truth of your song that emerges from the deepest depths of your heart, the exact way that lights emanates and refracts from the complex, singular and genius matrix of atoms and energy and consciousness is your soul, your signature is wanted and needed.

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However you can, find a way to sing. Even if you only sing your song to yourself, to the water in your body. Even if you need to keep it hidden in a box for now, sing it to yourself. Someday, someday. You can. You will. You may be. Able to open up that precious note to someone — someones, a place, a mountain, a body of water — who will know how to sing along. We will always yearn for this for you. We know your song, we are singing it to you and with you. To remind you. Louder and louder and louder, we want you to return here. Louder and louder and louder. Let it build let the voices and the instruments join you. sing, sing, sing. The truth of who you are. Sing.



they are the same.

there's no distinction to us.


whoever you are, you have the right to rest here. feel how you are held in love in your perfection/imperfection.

see how the sun kisses your shoulders, independent of whether today you were a warrior or a poet; sick or violent. you are in the paradigm of judgement so must learn that the sun, the forest, ocean the flowers the soil are here to love you into wholeness, regardless of anything else.

guess what: you are all children running around on this earth, playing the game of remembering how to be.

in this age of forgetting, let us show you the lesson of unconditional love. our arms are open. climb in. receive the wind on your face, hugs of sunlight on your skin, the love of your parent —  the ones that you came from, the ones who remember you. you are us. these arms are open to you each of you.

the magnamaity of love cleanses and makes space for ALL. you cannot understand oneness in your mind. you can only experience it with your being. you are a complete circle, you are all part of consciousness. learning itself, consciousness breaking its own heart. splitting apart, coming back together.

the earth is a wound. sometimes she splits open, spits out with force and anger. you can worship that rawness, but don’t forget that you also have capacity to step back and say:

i am learning how to experience myself. the earth is learning to experience herself. all of us. are learning. on a global scale, on a personal scale.

DO NOT TORTURE yourself for learning. ever. come to me. lay your head down, with the mother of all. there is no child i do not know, no creature too big too grown too disconnected, for these arms. come to me. lay your head. let me sing to you these sweet reminders 


where you came from and

why you are here.

and after i’ve held you, after i’ve kissed your face with sun and salt and green and boughs and you remember your youth, your learning, your process of remembering, your eternal perfection and imperfection, you can go out and remind everyone else. come here first. we have a lot of holding to do.

**** Channeled on Tuesday, 6/5, by me.

If you are new to following me, Transmission Tuesday is a series in which I check in with spirit guide energies every week and ask them what needs to come through me for collective healing. I listen and then report back to you! In my 1:1 work, I do a lot of channeling. If you are curious about what it's like to get messages that are channeled just for you, you can book an appointment with me by using the button at the bottom of this page. 


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Channeled on the new moon in Taurus. The energies I communicated with during this channel are a network of decomposers inside of the earth. Here are their words:

embrace the processs of death as well as life. when you cry, when you bleed, when you emit from your body. your most putrid stuff is the most nourishing for us. give it to us. we have a whole system to take care of it. literally, metaphorically.

give us your anger, give us your tears, give us your surrender. lay on the ground. give up. give it up. throw a temper tantrum into the earth, kick and scream. put all of that energy right here. you’re not letting go enough. you’re keeping it in and your body turns it into burden that you bear physically. you’re meant to release and renew release and renew release and renew.

roll in the mud. cry, laugh. BE LOUDER. BE ANIMALS. let us love and collect you, let us join you, let yourself join us.

when you do. when you bang on the earth, when you feel for the purpose of moving through and release, we will meet you.

we are hungry.

we’re not hungry for your unconscious expression of pain when it shows up as REPRESSION, POLLUTION AND DISCONNECT.

we are hungry for your nakedness. we are hungry for your little deaths. you give to us by laying on the earth, calling on your fears by name and feeling them as you lay on us, letting the vibration of the being you live on who is also living ABSORB them. there is no such thing as a living system that doesn’t need waste.

when you release to us, you move through. you will be renewed like you just made love with the earth because this is what you have done. we get what we need to, too. this. is. an. energy. exchange.

it’s beyond a language that you may understand. it’s not about making you death; it’s about connection. we are one organism with many parts. we are all one organism so act like it.
give us your dead skin, your fingernails your blood, your hair, your shit. your out breath, your trembling. breathe out with release intention, your hate, anger, fear, your pent up everything. we will take it for you. we are hungry for it.

SURRENDERING WITH TRUST:: Transmission ✷ Tuesday

This was channeled by me during the full Moon in Scorpio. I asked the guides what needed to be know about release and surrender, and this is what they said:

Surrendering is giving beauty that you’ve received back into the earth. It is acknowledgment of what’s true. The life process that IS, the p u l l b a c k of death, the process of the earth, and then rebirth.

It’s ok if it’s hard to trust in that process. But know that when you artificially prolong the life of something — a relationship, an era of time, an event— whose time it is to die, you are like the Dr. Frankenstein, you are creating something that is going to take so much of your energy to uphold and sustain. Laboring for this thing that in its nature would like to die, would like to surrender, would like to REST.

When you finally allow release, you might feel sadder but you will feel lighter and the earth will feel grateful for what you give back, and then you might be surprised at what grows in its stead.

The new growth will be fortified, sustained, and it will bear fruit in a way that what you are releasing —the baby tree, the flower, the unrooted sprig—cannot. The thing that you are afraid of releasing is just a tiny taste of the bigness that is to come when you let it go.

What you are surrendering you are surrendering for a reason, because it did not meet you. And you are afraid of letting it go because it had those raw elements of what you truly desired and needed. Trust that the FULL manifestation of that desire is possible, and you have to do this release first.

You can trust that as you say to your love, the Earth, “I surrender this to you", what you are surrendering is the seed of an idea. And that the earth knows a seed when she sees it, and when the ground is fertile (which it is fertile), she will take it in and do her magic and her alchemy and that seed that you’ve released will become that which you truly desire and need.

________end transmission  ______

IF YOU WANT TO HEAR the full recording of this transmission (what I've written above is condensed) you can listen to it in right here! 

For the RELEASE RITUAL pictured here:

I gathered some beautiful flowers from my neighborhood and tied them together with string that I had cleared with palo santo. I went to my favorite spot in nature and cast a circle. To serve the purpose of honoring what I was releasing, I spoke to the bunch of flowers as if they were the gifts from the event that I was letting go of. I named each one out loud, stating elements of the beautiful thing I'm working on releasing, acknowledging the gifts I've received and giving gratitude for them. After that, I did the channel that's recapped above. Then, I cut the ties around the flowers and burned the ribbon. I scattered the flowers in the space around me. This ritual helped me to acknowledge some beautiful and important gifts I received and also to start the slow process of unwinding my attachment to them.


New Feature -- Transmission ✷ Tuesday

👏🏼 SPECIAL 👏🏼 ANNOUNCEMENT 👏🏼 I’m launching a new feature on my social media called TRANSMISSION⚡️ TUESDAYS! Every Tuesday, I’ll bring you some channeled goodness from those gorgeous spirit guides that I’m hanging out with all the time, and offer some reflection and meditation/affirmations/interpretation.


I’m ✨so excited✨ to finally launch this idea that I’ve been kicking around for months! Keep an eye out for my regular Tuesday posts to get the spirit guide download! I'll be posting these to my social media accounts -- instagram and facebook -- and will also be adding content here on my blog, with some additional stuff that I don't feature on social media.

Do I have a direct line to spirit? Heck yeah, when I wanna pick up that spirit phone! Does this make me more spiritual or different from other people? Heck no! We are all connected to spirit/higher power/nature/life energy and anyone can strengthen that connection through a million different ways. Lots of folks learn how to open their channel to do the kind of communication that I do. I am an energetically sensitive person by nature but also actively study and practice channeling so I can do the work that I do!

I say this because while I love sharing what I hear, and am encouraged by the guides I talk with to do that, I don’t want to reinforce gross patriarchal ideas that suggest that you need a medium or a priest/“holy”person to access this info and connection. It belongs to each of us by birthright! My work is to listen for what people already know in some part of themselves and reflect it back to them. Psychic info has to ring the bell of resonance inside of us for it to feel valuable, so when we hear something that feels awesome and affirming it’s because a part of us already knew it. I hope you are able to glean something supportive from the transmissions I share with you all! 

self healing is collective healing

we show up for others by showing up for ourselves // self-healing is collective healing ::

in my meditation this morning, i asked how we can show up to support each other in relationships. what i heard was “you show up to support others by doing the work on yourself. When you do your work you get the experience, the vocabulary, the nuance. Then you know how to show up for other people."

this feels very true for me. the more i work through on my own shit — difficult relationships, family stuff, privilege, whiteness, resentments — the more I have to offer to my loved ones and community when they are going through their stuff. the more i work on me, the more i have to give.

in fact, it’s the ONLY way i have ANYTHING to give.

When I do the work on me, I understand. I understand not just through my brain and my head, but in my body and in my heart. Doing the work on ourselves is how we internalize the lesson and learn the pathway by which pain travels, how traumas imprint us. It’s how we learn to see from the inside out and how we relate to each other. 

i sometimes worry that self-care and self-work are only helping me, not helping others, and that they are selfish endeavors. I have to be conscious of not abusing the privileges i have by using self-care as an excuse to not show up for service, AND i’m seeing that, in balance, self-care and self-work are actually forms of service.

I do my work, and then turn around and share it. 

Something I hear from the guides all the time is that our nervous systems and our bodies teach one another, unconsciously, and all the time. it’s why we feel so good being around certain people, even when there is little or no talking. it’s like our energetic bodies and nervous systems are taking notes when we are with those people, patterning new pathways.



when we learn in ourselves, we automatically teach those around us, just by having internalized the lesson. self-healing is collective healing. we have to turn around and share it to complete the circle, and we have to be with ourselves to get it in the first place.